Cute Line Smiley
Winking Line Smiley

welcome to my diary! snoop around if you wanna ヽ(・ω・ゞ)

open sesame!

happy birthday to me!

feburary 24th 20XX

today is officially my birthday!! YAYYYYY◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜!!! now ive gotta update my age on EVERYTHING,its gonna be the WORST. but ill worry about that later when its like not 12am. ANYWAYS! i think ive been having the best day of my ENTIRE LIFEEE!!!! i joined this memo the other day and people actually talked to me! i started a new show and im listening to a bunch of new music artists too!!! i think these people are my friends(・へ・)??i havent made a friend in a SUPER DUPER long time so talking to others,even online, still gives me a weird feeling(ᵕ—ᴗ—)..., im just glad they arent mean to me, its nice having people be nice to me for a change.the day hasnt even started yet, maybe ill get a party thrown for me or maybe ill just eat a slice of cake in my room;either is fine, im just glad today has been such a good day after such a sucky week! im so happy,im so happy, IM SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY(≧ᗜ≦)!!! YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY

happy early birthday!

feburary 21st 20XX

3 days until my birthday, i know im supposed to be excited and stuff but for some reason i just feel super nervous(ノAヽ)!! last year it was just me and my cat and my auntie completely forgot to say happy birthday to me!!!!she was out all day so i guess its okay,i just really dont want a repeat of last time. maybe ill throw a little party for myself and ill make the cutest little party hat for miss tilly!!!hes gonna look adoraableeeeeee\(^▽^)/. as for what i did today.., i didnt really do anything, not because i couldnt but because i just didnt wanna.ive been feeling this strange not-sad-but-also-not-very-happy feeling for a couple days now, i think its just the nervousness from the whole birthday thing hehe ( ̄ω ̄; )..

the internet is cruel

january 18th 20XX

well,yeah, i always knew that. i know i shouldnt let it get under my skin too much but that doesnt mean it doesnt get under my skin at all.., ive had to remove my guestbook so many times because of the things people were calling me( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) !!i know this may seem whiny but i think ive got a good reason to be upset.i just dont know why they say these things to me,am i just an easy target? is it my interests or the way i type?knowing the internet it could be for such a silly reason, i think i just gotta expect the unexpected when it comes to this site. oh stars.. i reallyreally would like a hug right now(◞‸◟;) other than that, today i made more drawings and did some more flowerpressing!!picking the flowers was as fun as always


january 9th 20XX

i never really noticed how lonely i really am until now.i mean, i dont really go out much unless im allowed and even then im not allowed to really make friends with anyone.i always try to tell my auntie this and she just says im overreacting and need to "grow up"(っ- ‸ - ς).., i guess what im trying to say is i reallyreally want some friends, a bigbig group of friends!! we could go to the mall and i could make gifts for them and surprise them on their birthdays!! id be such a good friend if you think about it, i might be a teensy bit chatty but isnt that what people want in a friend?? if i were allowed id walk up to people and start chatting up a STORM!!! hehe.. maybe if im lucky ill get myself a boyfriend and we can hold hands and go to the movies and drink from the same milkshake with different straws٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡!!!! in other news, i finally got a sewing machine so now i can make frilly dresses!!!! i have so many outfit planned out for miss tilly,hes gonna be the prettiest cat in all the laaannddദ്ദി(˵•̀ᴗ-˵) ✧

happy happy new years!

january 1st 20XX

happy new year!!i really dont feel too different but thats how it is at the beginning of every year, near the end i always look back and think like "wow!! that was me?". i think people expect change to soon and always think about it happening that they never notice its actually happening right in front of them!!! whats it called again?? tunnel vision?? no i think thats a different thing., WHATEVER!!YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! anywaayssss, im really hopeful for this year! maybe ill get another cat or make new friends or TURN INTO A CAT MEW₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ!!! onto other topics, my auntie planned this super big party for new years and invited all of her friends!, it was so loud that i couldnt sleep!!!! it probably explains why im writing this at 2 am,theyre still down there ugghhgg.., but but but i did get to sneak downstairs and eat some of the sweets on the table!!! they tasted really yummy but some of them made me feel all dizzy and sick, next time ill just ask(ᵕ—ᴗ—)

all kinds of fantasy things

december 23rd 20XX

christmas is coming up!my auntie let me put all the ornaments i made on the tree and she even let me put the star on top too!! it snows alot in michigan, but youll NEVER see me out there!!its way too cold and i always preferred watching the snow fall from my window anyway(..◜ᴗ◝..)..! in other news, i watched the ittiest bit of twilight ... vampires arent real, right?? oh gosh thats such a dumb question!!! i mean.. unicorns are totally real, mermaids too,and fairies!! theyre all totally real. i guess i never considered the more evil things like vampires and ghosts and stuff.., if theyre real then unfortunately all the evil creepy things are real too.. GHOSTS ARE REAL!! I HATE GHOSTS!!!!! .·°՞(¯□¯)՞°·.. those things cant get me if im not awake at 3am right??? OKAY!! IM GOING TO BED!!

first post!

december 2nd 20XX

yippeee!! hi hi hi! im lyla and welcome to my blogggg IM SO EXCITED! if you saw any posts before this one just ignore them,that was just me testing things hehe(ㅅ´ ˘ `) here i just talk about whatever is on my mind ALMOST everyday, maybe youll get to know me better from these posts!! as for today, nothing is really going on which im totes okay with! ive been working on the mainpage for this website and thats kinda it!this page is a little unfinished too but dont worry about it!! OKAY BYEEEEE⸜(。˃ᵕ˂)⸝♡